TS-003427 — The proposed cell phone application, currently in the pre-prototype stage, is designed to address the issue of Sudden Unexplained Infant Deaths (SUIDs). Tailored for parents, especially those with high-risk infants, the app integrates interactive features like safe sleep education, a daily checklist, and a secure photo submission mechanism for monitoring a baby’s safe sleep environment.
There are devices on the market that parents can purchase, but they are not affordable or accessible. The proposed app would be a free alternative to the current expensive devices—with an incentivization feature for consistent household application following birthing center discharge. Beyond this, it serves as a tool to increase knowledge, instill safe sleep practices into caregivers’ daily routines, and directly shape safe behaviors. Aligned with Nationwide Children’s Hospital’s Safe Sleep Initiative taught in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU), the app is not only educational, but also interactive, enhancing learning retainability.
The device is marketable on a global scale, catering to every birthing center, NICU, and family worldwide. Emblazoned with the Nationwide Children’s logo, it sends a message that “Everyone Matters,” contributing to the publicization and awareness-building for Nationwide Children’s Hospital. In addition, the app aligns seamlessly with NCH’s inclusion and diversity initiatives by providing incentives, such as discount diapers and baby supplies, to all babies up to one year of age, irrespective of race, ethnicity, or gender identity. This comprehensive approach positions the app as not just a potential life-saving solution but also a valuable asset for companies interested in licensing products related to infant safety and well-being.