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Smart Myometry Project
TS-002172 — Current myometers on the market provide inconsistent results, reducing their reliability. Lindsay Alfano, PT, DPT, PCS at Nationwide Children’s Hospital proposed the creation of a new system called Smart Myometry to limit variability and to make strength testing more reliable.
The initial prototype of the device used a steel U-shaped frame that was customizable to the patient’s proportions and reduced the physical therapist’s needed force to resist the muscle. During testing, physical therapists were able to monitor signs of compensation and to detect the need…
  • College:
  • Inventors: Alfano, Lindsay
  • Licensing Officer: Murrah, Kyle

Neuromuscular GRO worksheet
TS-000596 — Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA) is a severe neuromuscular disease and the leading genetic cause of infant mortality. Moreover, existing treatments suffer from notable floor and ceiling effects and also poorly discriminate improved motor performance in patients. To circumvent these challenges, researchers at Nationwide children’s have developed the Neuromuscular Gross Motor Outcome (GRO) worksheet. The GRO worksheet is a gross motor outcome measure designed to assess whole body strength, motor development and function for all levels of ability across the lifespan in those diagnosed with SMA. Hence, the GRO worksheet is the ideal outcome measure tool for SMA or similar conditions to answer the need to quantity gross motor ability across a wide age span.
  • College:
  • Inventors: Lowes, Linda; Alfano, Lindsay; Iammarino, Megan; Reash (Miller), Natalie
  • Licensing Officer: Murrah, Kyle

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