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Methods for Anticipating Antibiotic Sensitivity in Bacteria Released from Biofilm Residence
TS-002176 — In order to effectively treat bacterial infections, a clear understanding of the bacterium’s antibiotic sensitivity is needed. Researchers at Nationwide Children’s Hospital’s Center for Microbial Pathogenesis created a new method to assist in prescribing antibiotics for infections caused by a biofilm to reduce the dosage and the length of antibiotic treatments.
Depending on the bacteria’s physiologic state the antibiotic sensitivity can be highly variable. Originally, bacteria were believed to exist in two physiologic states: planktonic and biofilm. However, the research team based their methods on two additional but transient physiologic states they…
  • College:
  • Inventors: Bakaletz, Lauren; Goodman, Steven
  • Licensing Officer: Murrah, Kyle

Neuregulin-1 as Protection from Respiratory Viral Infections
TS-002168 — Children have a higher chance of morbidity and mortality from respiratory viral infections. Severe respiratory viral infections like Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) and Parainfluenza viruses can lead to the development of asthma in patients. Clinical researchers at Nationwide Children’s Hospital found that neuregulin-1 (Nrg-1) may be an effective and protective treatment for patients diagnosed with severe respiratory viral infections. Their successful models with mice showed that Nrg-1 may prevent post-viral airway disease and reduce mortality if further studied and applied to human patients in the future.
  • College:
  • Inventors: Grayson, Mitchell; Hussain, Rehan
  • Licensing Officer: Murrah, Kyle

AAV Vectors Containing U7small Nuclear RNA (U7snRNA That Interferes With The CTGexp or Silences DMPK)
TS-001229 — Mutations in the Myotonic Dystrophy Protein Kinase gene (DMPK) cause an autosomal dominant inherited disease referred to as Myotonic Dystrophy. Myotonic Dystrophy affects more than 1 in 8,000 people worldwide. Myotonic dystrophy results in progressive muscle weakness, stiffness and wasting. Currently, here are no treatments for this disease. A team of researchers at Nationwide Children’s Hospital have designed short hairpin constructs of AAV-shRNA which can be used to silence DMPK mRNA and therefore potentially treat myotonic dystrophy.
  • College:
  • Inventors: Wein, Nicolas
  • Licensing Officer: Eidahl, Jocelyn

Second Generation Closed Seeding System for the Tissue Engineered Vascular Graft
TS-001227 — A team of physicians at Nationwide Children's Hospital have developed a process to improve the acceptance of implanted vascular grafts. This Tissue Engineered Vascular Graft (TEVG) is patient-specific. It seeds patient cells onto a biodegradable tubilar scaffold, which is designed to dissolve with hydrolysis so that only the growing vessel remains. This system, the Closed Seeding System, combines patient imaging data, 3D-printing capabilities, and efficient collection and subsequent seeding of patient cells onto the TEVG scaffolding.
  • College:
  • Inventors: Breuer, Christopher; Hibino, Narutoshi
  • Licensing Officer: Murrah, Kyle

Sweat Technology for Monitoring Cystic Fibrosis Health and Adherence
TS-001225 — Cystic fibrosis is an inherited disorder that affects cells that produce sweat and mucus, causing significant damage to the digestive system, lungs, and other organs. A team at Nationwide Children's Hospital has developed a non-invasive monitoring system to track and test a patient with this disease. This technology is a skin patch that measures the metabolomics of the patients sweat to evaluate the clinical health of patients afflicted with cystic fibrosis.
  • College:
  • Inventors: Hayes, Don; Kopp, Benjamin; Woodley, Frederick
  • Licensing Officer: Murrah, Kyle

Preference Cards and Decision Aid to Facilitate Shared Decision Making in Contraceptive Counseling
TS-001224 — Decks of cards have been used to facilitate knowledge for decades. A team of researchers led by Dr. Elise Berlan have developed a series of cards that combine summaries of contraceptive counciling information and patient preferences. This includes key components of contraceptive preferences which can then be used with a care provider to determine the best form of contraceptive for the patient's preference and decreases the stigma associated with discussing topics like contraceptives as adolecents or young adults.
  • College:
  • Inventors: Berlan, Elise
  • Licensing Officer: Murrah, Kyle

Machine Learning of Doppler Echocardiographic Coronary Blood Flow
TS-001178 — Currently there are few existing methods on coronary flow pattern automation. The DECFA platform fulfills this unmet need by predicting diseased coronary blood flow by integrating previously unutilized data features from (sonographic) Doppler echocardiography measurements, cardiac functional and other physiological data (e.g. heart rate, body weight, etc) using machine learning. The DECFA program is superior to manual intervention as it provides more efficient analysis, more accurately, and can accept raw video files of PW Doppler and Color Doppler B-mode files, applicable on mouse models, potentially applicable to humans. DECFA can analyze raw PW Doppler AND Color Doppler B-Mode AVI video files to calculate overall coronary blood flow and coronary flow reserve, and the separation of each coronary flow pattern into 4 distinct phases representative of the stages in a cardiac cycle. Benefits: More efficient analysis over manual intervention, less error than manual intervention, capable of accepting raw video files of PW Doppler and Color Doppler B-mode files, applicable on mouse models, potentially applicable to humans (not yet validated). New features include the analysis of raw PW Doppler AND Color Doppler B-Mode AVI video files to calculate overall coronary blood flow and coronary flow reserve, and the separation of each coronary flow pattern into distinct phases representative of the stages in a cardiac cycle. The machine learning aspect brings state-of-the-art technology to determine whether it may be useful in directly predicting/diagnosing coronary microvascular disease. Stage of Development: We are currently in the final stages of completing the data analysis for all of the in vivo coronary and cardiac physiological parameters that will be used to perform the final runs through the machine learning process. We did perform an “interim” analysis using about half of the data, the results of which were promising (inconclusive at this point, but they put the predictive value of coronary flow patterns above 90% for identifying diseased coronary blood flow). This process also uses the whole envelope instead of discrete points of the coronary flow pattern, in addition to the texture-analysis extension. After this process is complete in mice, we plan to obtain human coronary blood flow patterns to determine whether this could be clinically useful beyond research applications. Potential Applications/Markets: Our program could be utilized in a research setting for robust, comprehensive, and more efficient analysis of coronary flow patterns in mice measured through Doppler Echocardiography (It solves the problem of large inter/intra observer error and time required for manual analysis). The program could also be used clinically for use in the medical field for the same analysis if adjusted for human use. It could also be used as an add on feature to the VisualSonics Vevo 2100 software for added capabilities in analyzing PW Doppler coronary flow patterns and Color Doppler B-mode files. The parameters that we identify in our program could be potentially useful in clinical diagnostics/machine learning/prediction modeling for better identifying and predicting disease. Furthermore, we envision that this could be tested and applied to clinical coronary Doppler echocardiograms, with the readout being predictability of coronary microvascular disease based on the machine learning algorithm of coronary flow patterns. Opportunity/Seeking: Development Partner Commercial Partner Licensing IP Status: Know-how based Copyright
  • College:
  • Inventors: Trask, Aaron; Bartlett, Christopher; Bossenbroek, Jamie; McCallinhart, Patricia; McDermott, Michael; Ray, Will; Sunyecz, Ian; Ueyama, Yukie
  • Licensing Officer: Corris, Andrew

Child-Restraint Spray-Bottle for Household Cleaning Products
TS-001037 — When it comes to the safety of our children, innovation never stops. There have been many improvements to the safety of devices and receptacles that can be toxic or life threatening if consumed or exposed to skin. A team of researchers at Nationwide Children’s Hospital have incorporated this desire for security into a common household product: the spray bottle. Often filled with harmful chemicals, spray bottles remain one of the leading causes of chemical exposure injuries in children. The team at NCH has developed a “two-step authentication” spray nozzle that requires the dexterity beyond that of a small child. This dual trigger approach requires a full grip that prevents kids from accessing the contents of the spray bottle, while remaining easily usable by adults and seniors.
Benefits and Applications: Inventors anticipate that incorporating this product into households will result in a decline in child injury due to accidental activation of spray bottles. Stage of Development:
  • College:
  • Inventors: McKenzie, Lara; Nelson, Nicolas; Roberts, Kristin
  • Licensing Officer: Murrah, Kyle

A Virtual Reality Simulation to Aid in Exposure to Therapy for School Avoidance
TS-001036 — School can be a daunting experience. Constant motion, public speaking and a new environment can increase anxiety in children, sometimes leading to school avoidance. A team at Nationwide Children’s Hospital has developed a solution, where exposure therapy procedures are combined with modern technology can improve the school experience for people of all ages. Using a Virtual Reality (VR) Simulation, clinicians are able to use the multi-user capability to interact with and guide their patient through new environments such as classrooms, hallways and lunchrooms, as well as scenarios known to trigger increased anxiety such as public speaking or asking for help. Biofeedback components help collect data so that the clinician can adapt the experience to the user. Although targeted for school-aged children, this technology can be modified to treat any person with school or public phobia.
  • College:
  • Inventors: Huang, Yungui; DeForte, Shelly; Luna, John "John"; Mackner, Laura ; Vickery, Elizabeth
  • Licensing Officer: Murrah, Kyle

RyaBhata: A Shiny R Application for Single Cell Transcriptome Data Analysis and Visualization
TS-001035 — Shiny R is an open source platform that allows a framework to develop online applications. With minimal required background in coding principles, a team of researchers at Nationwide Children’s Hospital were able to display and interact with the analysis made of single-cell transcriptome. Shiny R generates visualizations that include UMAP plots and presents features of single-cell RNA and transcriptomic data without extensive training in R programming. Improvements made on this existing technology includes importing data, cell filtration, principle component analysis, clustering, dimensional reduction, merging datasets, and Graphical user interface (GUI)-based generations of gene expression plots. This significantly improves the visualization and analysis of single-cell transcriptome analysis.
  • College:
  • Inventors: Manivannan, Sathiyanarayanan ; Garg, Vidu
  • Licensing Officer: Murrah, Kyle

Small Molecules that Inhibit and Disperse Salmonella Biofilms in vitro and are Active in Combination with Ciprofloxacin in vivo
TS-001034 — Salmonella is often caused by contact with animals that carry bacteria, contaminated food, or water. It has been observed that children are commonly afflicted by salmonella, and typically treatment includes fluids, medical care, and sometimes pharmaceuticals. A team of researchers at Nationwide Children’s hospital have identified a lead compound that includes a biofilm with anti-salmonella characteristics and acts as an inhibitor. Use of this compound with the antibiotic ciprofloxacin improves the elimination of bacterial infection in at-risk organs such as the liver and spleen.
  • College:
  • Inventors: Gunn, John; Sandala, Jenna
  • Licensing Officer: Murrah, Kyle

Automated Processing of Venous Intravascular Ultrasound Image
TS-001033 — Intravascular Ultrasound Images (IVUS) is a process that uses micro technology to provide images of blood vessels, their inner walls (endothelium) and the inside of veins. The analysis of these images allows clinicians to analyze luminal and scaffold boundaries, identify the presence of stenosis, and perform computations of various geometric quantities. This process is fully automated and therefore eliminates inconsistencies and inefficiencies that are a direct result of current semi-automated or complex fully automated systems already in place.
  • College:
  • Inventors: Ulziibayar, Anudari
  • Licensing Officer: Murrah, Kyle

Use of Tamoxifen to Reduce Breast Implant Capsule Formation and Capsular Contracture
TS-001029 — A major complication associated with breast implant prostheses is the occurrence of capsular contracture, occurring in 20%-25% of patients. Severe forms of capsular contracture constitute failure of the reconstruction with significant implications for increased cost owing to an increased need for recurrent medical interventions, as well diminished quality of life for patients. Capsular contracture occurs as the result of the patient’s immunologic ‘foreign body’ response to the implant material. The inventors’ vision is to develop a technology whereby the active metabolites of Tamoxifen (endoxifen) are conjugated to implant biomaterial in a manner allowing for localized delivery of endoxifen. They anticipate that local delivery of endoxifen will successfully reduce capsule formation around implant material by reducing the immunologic foreign body response. This is a technology that could be licensed to implant manufacturers (breast, implantable cardiac devices, etc.) Technology Overview: Breast augmentation and reconstruction is a common practice, especially in those afflicted by breast cancer. One of the most common issues that comes with this process is the formation of capsular contracture. This is a direct result of the patient’s immunologic ‘foreign body’ response to the implant material, which can impact the need for significant medical interventions and diminished quality of life. The current pharmacologic treatment for breast cancer is the chemical compound known as Tamoxifen, which acts as a chemo-preventative medication for hormone sensitive breast cancers. A team of researchers at Nationwide Children’s Hospital and Ohio State University aims to localize the delivery of tamoxifen to significantly reduce the immunologic foreign body response around implant material for use in both cancer-based breast reconstruction and cosmetic procedures Benefits: No pharmacotherapeutics currently exist to address capsular contracture and no biomaterial advances have been made to specifically reduce the foreign body response to breast implants Stage of Development: Mouse studies are currently underway using systemic delivery of Tamoxifen for treatment of capsular contracture in breast implants. A manuscript is in preparation. Future mouse studies will focus on local delivery of endoxifen for treatment of capsular contracture in breast implants; then look at other implant types and different coating types. Potential Applications / Markets: According to the report published by Allied Market Research, the medical implant industry estimated $85.38 billion in 2019, and is estimated to generate $147.46 billion by 2027, manifesting a CAGR of 7.2% from 2020 to 2027. According to a report published by Fortune Business Insights, the breast implant market was worth $2.76 billion in 2019 and is projected to reach $3.05 billion by the end of 2027, exhibiting a CAGR of 7.2% during the forecast period, 2020-2027. Opportunity / Seeking: -Licensing IP Status: Patent application submitted
  • College:
  • Inventors: Blum, Kevin
  • Licensing Officer: Murrah, Kyle

Delivery of Adenosine Deaminase to Cancer Cells, Immune Cells and the Tumor Microenvironment
TS-000973 — A recombinant oncolytic virus encoding either an adenosine deaminase or heterologous proteins can be used in treatment of a variety of diseases, as the primary purpose of these are to maintain and develop the immune system. A team of researchers at Nationwide Children’s Hospital have found a method that can address the delivery of adenosine deaminase into cancer cells, immune cells and the tumor microenvironment to aid in treatment for any disease or condition associated with adenosine or other associated markers.
  • College:
  • Inventors: Wang, Ruoning
  • Licensing Officer: Zalucha, Ellen

Overcoming Immune Checkpoint Inhibition with VISTA Deficient NK Cells – ViDe* NK Cells
TS-000972 — Natural Killer (NK) cells express a range of receptors to activate or inhibit certain cellular behavior to kill cancer cells. When an NK cell is deficient or dysfunctional, the efficiency of the NK cells is severely limited. VISTA is a protein sequence that activates T cells and acts as a moderator for the immune system. It has low-to-moderate expression but has been the target of study by a team of researchers at Nationwide Children’s Hospital led by Dr. Dean Lee. By removing VISTA in expanded NK cells, the inhibitory signal will be eliminated and thus resulting in an enhanced ability of NK cells to target cancers and overcome the immune-suppressive signals for improved cancer immunotherapy.
  • College:
  • Inventors: Lee, Dean; Pereira, Marcelo
  • Licensing Officer: Corris, Andrew

Live Attenuated Mumps Virus-Based SARS-CoV-2 Vaccines for Infants and Children
TS-000971 — The novel disease Coronavirus, also denoted as COVID-19, was recognized by the World Health Organization as an unknown etiology in December of 2019. Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) is a disease that presents flu-like symptoms that is caused by coronavirus (SARS-CoV). The current pandemic of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) is causing tremendous economical, emotional, and public health burdens. A team of researchers at Nationwide Children’s Hospital have reengineered a live attenuated recombinant mumps virus to create a novel SARS-CoV-2 vaccine for infants and children under the age of twelve. As vaccination is the most effective strategy to prevent infectious diseases, this development is instrumental to the outcome of the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • College:
  • Inventors: Peeples, Mark; KC, Mahesh
  • Licensing Officer: Zalucha, Ellen

Generation of Antigen-Specific Chimeric Antigen Receptor T cells Using Cas9/RNP and AAV
TS-000969 — Gene therapy experts at Nationwide Children’s Hospital have made significant advancements in designing optimal viral vectors for producing Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP)-grade viral vector products. Adeno-associated virus (AAV) serotypes such as AAV1, 2, 2.5, 3, 5, 6, 8, 9 and rh74 have properties optimized by these researchers. Chimeric Antigen Receptor T cells (CAR T) are comprised of an extracellular antigen recognition domain, intracellular T cell activation and co-stimulatory domains. These cells allow for potent and specific targeting of cancer cells, bypassing the need for antigen presentation and T cell receptor recognition. Generating CAR T cells using the process of lentiviral transduction has limitations stemming from the random integration of transgenesis, where oncogene activation, gene silencing, or negative effects on the CAR T antitumor efficacy are possible.
  • College:
  • Inventors: Lee, Dean; Naeimi Kararoudi, Meisam
  • Licensing Officer: Corris, Andrew

Priming Peptide Pools for Isolation of SARS-CoV-2-Specific T Cells
TS-000913 — Peptides can be used to stimulate antigen-specific T cells, allowing activated T cells to be isolated from immune individuals to be used in vaccination or treatment in others. The novel disease Coronavirus, also denoted as 2019-nCoV, was recognized by the World Health Organization as an unknown etiology in December of 2019. Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) is a disease that presents flu-like symptoms that is caused by coronavirus (SARS-CoV). A current process widely applicable to many pathogens uses the Miltenyi Prodigy device. In a study led by Dr. Dean Lee, his team found that this process can be adapted to SARS-CoV-2 using a specialty mix of peptides to isolate T cell immunity.
  • College:
  • Inventors: Lee, Dean
  • Licensing Officer: Corris, Andrew

A Novel Compound, GQ-16 Protects Against Kidney Disease with Additional Insulin Sensitizing Benefits and Reduced Side Effects
TS-000912 — There are a few prominent diseases that affect the kidney, such as nephrotic syndrome and diabetic nephropathy. To treat Type II diabetes, there is a readily available pharmaceutical known as pioglitazone that is often used in conjuncture with other compounds to reduce proteinuria in patients with kidney diseases. A team of researchers at Nationwide Children’s Hospital have developed a novel compound to act as a treatment agent in cases of kidney disease. The new design has similar insulin sensitizing effects as pioglitazone as well as its ability to reduce proteinuria. This compound, titled GQ-16, has similar efficacy as traditional Type II diabetes drugs and acts as a new indication for nephrotic syndrome or kidney diseases, with a significant reduction in side effects such as weight gain or adipogenesis.
  • College:
  • Inventors: Agrawal, Shipra
  • Licensing Officer: Corris, Andrew

Dual Targeting CD38KO and CARKI NK Cell Immunotherapy
TS-000906 — Natural Killer (NK) cells express a range of receptors to activate or inhibit certain cellular behavior to kill cancer cells. Additionally, CD38 presenting cells have been used as a marker for cancer stem cells, specifically those that often avoid recognition when common surface antigen processes are used. CARK1 is a phosphorylate that impacts cell growth and development. A team led by Dr. Dean Lee has developed CD38k0 NK cells that they combine with CARK1 to create a series of monoclonal antibodies that targets cancer cells. Along with better cell targeting, this combination improves the efficacy of treatment in comparison to the CAR, NK, or CD38 antibodies as independent components.
  • College:
  • Inventors: Lee, Dean; Naeimi Kararoudi, Meisam
  • Licensing Officer: Corris, Andrew

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