TS-001037 — When it comes to the safety of our children, innovation never stops. There have been many improvements to the safety of devices and receptacles that can be toxic or life threatening if consumed or exposed to skin. A team of researchers at Nationwide Children’s Hospital have incorporated this desire for security into a common household product: the sp
ray bottle. Often filled with harmful chemicals, sp
ray bottles remain one of the leading causes of chemical exposure injuries in children. The team at NCH has developed a “two-step authentication” sp
ray nozzle that requires the dexterity beyond that of a small child. This dual trigger approach requires a full grip that prevents kids from accessing the contents of the sp
ray bottle, while remaining easily usable by adults and seniors.
Benefits and Applications:
Inventors anticipate that incorporating this product into households will result in a decline in child injury due to accidental activation of spray bottles.
Stage of Development: