TS-000441 — Gene therapy experts at Nationwide Children’s hospital are utilizing adeno-associated virus (AAV) mediated gene therapy to target specific cell types within the retina to treat vision impairment, retinal degeneration and vision-related disorders. Although, use of ocular administration of gene therapy vectors has shown some promising results, there is a need for improved gene therapy methods. Our experts have designed various viral vectors, promoters, novel co-administration therapies and multiple delivery routes to target particular cell types in the retina. This preclinical study offers hope for treating vision loss.
This technology comprises different injection methods, different promoters, different viral vectors and combinatorial approaches.
We have data which has enabled us to understand which viral vector/promoter/injection route combination works best for targeting of specific cell types in the retina. This will allow us to further improve gene therapy strategies for Batten Disease and for other disorders that cause retinal degeneration.
Potential Markets/Applications:
There are multiple groups working on AAV gene therapy for vision. The current methods are not sufficient to efficiently target bipolar cells in the retina. We are developing protocols and vectors that should be more efficient in targeting these cells as well as other cell types.
Development Partner
Seeking Investment
IP Status:
Patent Application Submitted